New NanoCarb publication highlights the role of glycans in the biocorona of glycosylated nanoparticles

Our ESRs Ashfaq Ahmad and Panagiotis G. Georgiou, from the Gibson group at the University of Warwick have co-authored a paper published in RSC Nanoscale, on the biomolecular corona of glycosylated gold nanoparticles, in collaboration with ESR Alessia Pancaro from VITO. Upon exposure to biological fluids, the fouling of nanomaterial surfaces results in the non-specific capture of … Read more

New publication reviews the potential of using glycans on nanoparticles in lateral flow diagnostics

In a collaborative effort with the John Radcliffe Hospital Oxford and the company Iceni Glycosciences Ltd., the Gibson group from the University of Warwick, including our ESR Panagiotis G. Georgiou, just published their latest work in the Royal Society of Chemistry’s journal Chemical Society Reviews. Titled “Glycosylated gold nanoparticles in point of care diagnostics: from … Read more

NanoCarb final Symposium held in Milan, IT

On the 18th and 19th of May, the NanoCarb final Symposium took place at the Mario Negri Institute in Milan, Italy. The event was organised by the ESRs in the Mario Negri Institute, CNR and VITO. This event included keynote speeches from a multidisciplinary panel of clinicians and researchers: Prof. Giuseppe Remuzzi, medical doctor and … Read more

Three new publications from NanoCarb ESRs

NanoCarb early-stage researchers (ESRs) continue to disseminate their work through publications in peer-reviewed chemistry journals. In the journal Polymer Chemistry, Nicola Judge (ESR 2) from the Heise group at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland studied the influence of the block copolypeptide surfactant structure on the size of polypeptide nanoparticles obtained by mini emulsion … Read more

3rd Spring Workshop in Edinburgh, UK

The third and final NanoCarb Spring Workshop took place in person from the 7th to the 11th of March 2022, in Edinburgh, UK. The training week, organised by Ludger Ltd. and Horizon Unleashed Ltd., included interactive training sessions on quality management systems, stakeholder management, careers and collaborative work. This last session was the occasion for … Read more

New publication from Gizem on novel surface plasmon resonance assay for new human mannose binding lectin inhibitors

Gizem Erol (ESR 13) from the Gobbi Group at the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research, in Italy has co-authored a new publication titled “New nanostructures inhibiting human mannose binding lectin identified by a novel surface plasmon resonance assay” and published in Elsevier’s Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. This paper results from an international collaboration involving three … Read more

New publication from the Gibson group

Our ESRs Panagiotis G. Georgiou (ESR 3), and Ashfaq Ahmad (ESR 8) from the Gibson group at the University of Warwick co-authored a paper published in ACS Macro Letters on the detection of SARS-CoV‑2 spike protein with polymer-stabilized glycosylated gold nanorods. In collaboration with the R&D unit of the University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire, the authors show … Read more

New publication from Eva on the glycan accessibility in the biomolecular corona

Eva Clemente (ESR 7) from the Monopoli Group at the Royal College for Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) has co-authored a new publication titled “Probing the glycans accessibility in the Nanoparticle biomolecular corona” and published in Elsevier’s Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. This paper results from an international collaboration with researchers at CIC biomaGUNE and … Read more

ESRs presented their progress during the 3rd NanoCarb Autumn Workshop

The third NanoCarb Autumn Workshop took place online from the 29th of November to the 2nd of December 2021. The training week started with a series of talks regarding In-vitro Diagnostics. The topic was covered by speakers from both the academic and industry sectors, such as Dr. Daniel Spencer (Head of Development at Ludger Ltd.), … Read more

Alessia presented her work at the C’Nano conference in Toulouse, FR

Alessia Pancaro (ESR 11) from VITO presented her recently published work on gold nanorods biosensors at the C’Nano conference, which took place in Toulouse, France, from November 23rd to 25th. The conference was organised by the French national Competency Cluster in Nanoscience of CNRS and was attended by around 400 academic and industry participants. Her poster was … Read more