ESR project: Development of Glyco-Nanoparticle Libraries Based on Gold/Polymer Hybrids
Supervisor: Prof Matthew I. Gibson
Institution: University of Warwick, UK
Country of origin: Cyprus
Scientific Background: Panagiotis holds a B.Sc. degree in Chemistry (with specialisation in Biological Chemistry) from the University of Cyprus. During his final year, he undertook a research project in the area of colloids, investigating the development of protein-based nanoparticles as drug delivery systems. Following his graduation in 2017, he moved to the UK to pursue an M.Sc. (by Research) course in Chemistry at the University of Warwick under the supervision of Prof. Rachel O’Reilly. His work there focused on the preparation of novel nanomaterials by RAFT-mediated polymerization-induced self-assembly (PISA) for bio-related applications