ESR 14 – Kemal Yorulmaz

ESR project: Labelling gold nanoparticles with fluorinated ligands for pharmacokinetic applications using PET.

Supervisor: Dr Jordi Llop

Institution: CIC biomaGUNE, ES

Country of origin: Cyprus

NanoCarb research: In this project, we will focus on the synthesis of functionalized gold particles and their characterization using techniques such as electron microscopy and NMR spectroscopy. In addition, it will involve radiolabelling and in vivo evaluation of the particles using PET imaging techniques.

Scientific background: Kemal holds a bachelor’s degree in physics and mechanical engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute. After graduating, he worked as a mechanical engineer for three years in Los Angeles and then he moved to London to pursue a master’s degree in Materials Science and Engineering at Imperial College London. During his master’s thesis, he worked on the synthesis and characterization of plasmonic nanomaterials for art applications in Dr. Iain Dunlop’s group. After that, as a scientific intern at IST Austria in Prof. Maria Ibanez’s group, he worked on the synthesis and surface functionalization of Cu-based nanoparticles for photothermal therapy.