New publication on Nanoscale by Alessia

A new NanoCarb paper – “The polymeric glyco-linker controls the signal outputs for plasmonic gold nanorods biosensors due to biocorona formation” by Alessia Pancaro (ESR 11) at VITO, in collaboration with Panagiotis Georgiou (ESR 3) at the University of Warwick – has been published on the Royal Society of Chemistry’s journal Nanoscale. This manuscript demonstrates how the … Read more

New publication from Panos

The paper “Polymer Self-Assembly Induced Enhancement of Ice Recrystallization Inhibition” by Panagiotis Georgiou (ESR 3, University of Warwick⁩) has been published in the Journal of the American Chemistry Society and is available open access. Together with colleagues from the University of Warwick’s Department of Chemistry, they observed that polymerization-induced self-assembly (PISA) derived nanoparticles can inhibit … Read more

2nd Spring Workshop – From Glycan analysis to EU policy and Belgian Chocolate

From the 19th to the 23rd of April 2021, the ESRs took part in the second NanoCarb Spring Workshop. Initially planned in Belgium, it was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent travel limitations. During the first day, the ESRs attended a career workshop organised by Horizons Unleashed Ltd. where ESRs gained career … Read more

4th NanoCarb consortium meeting, halfway through the project

The NanoCarb Autumn Workshop held last week was also the occasion for the consortium members and ESRs to discuss the progress of the project. On Wednesday and Thursday, each ESR presented the status of his/her research before receiving questions from the audience and exploring further synergies for the upcoming months. To get a taste of … Read more

NanoCarb Autumn Workshop kicks off with training on imaging

This week, the ESRs, PIs and all consortium members are taking part in the second NanoCarb Autumn Workshop. Initially planned in San Sebastian, Spain, it is being held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Autumn Workshop has started with a two-day training on imaging, organised by CIC biomaGUNE and with invited speakers from the … Read more

Panos awarded with the 2021 Ottewill International Travel Scholarship

Panagiotis Georgiou (ESR 3) from the Gibson Group at the Warwick University has received the Ottewill International Travel Scholarship from the Macro Group UK. This travel grant assists, each year, one outstanding UK-based PhD researcher in presenting their work related to polymer colloids at an international conference outside the UK. He will be attending the … Read more

NANOSTEM-NanoCarb Joint Training School

On the 3rd and 4th September, NanoCarb ESRs attended an online training on paper and PhD thesis writing together with NANOSTEM ESRs. Currently in its third year, the NANOSTEM ETN project, coordinated by the Queen Mary University London, trains 14 ESRs in polymer chemistry and materials science, cell biology, pharmacology, neuroscience, nanobiotechnology and clinical sciences … Read more

Alessia’s experiences during Belgium’s lockdown

Last March I started my PhD on the development of a biosensing platform for lectin detection related to cerebrovascular disease using nanoplasmonics in the unit Health at VITO. In the last period I have been overwhelmed by COVID-19, just like everyone else. It came suddenly, and we had to face several challenges. Within a few … Read more

Riccardo’s (shortened) secondment in Milan

Starting from CICbiomaGUNE in San Sebastian I arrived in Milan for my first secondment in order to synthesize a sugar and attaching it to a linker that I will use for decorating gold nanoparticles. Initially it has been hard to leave the place where I was used to live, leave my routine, my friends and … Read more

New publication in Materials Horizon

The paper “Ice recrystallisation inhibiting polymer nano-objects via saline-tolerant polymerisation-induced self-assembly” by Panagiotis Georgiou (ESR 3, University of Warwick⁩) has been published in Materials Horizon. The manuscript describes the process to make saline-tolerant polymer nanomaterials that can be used as ice inhibitors via polymerisation-induced self-assembly.