Midatech ESRs at the 3rD Glycobasque Meeting in Bilbao, Spain

Avelino (ESR 12) and Patricia (ESR 5) from Midatech Pharma Spain have presented a poster on the synthesis and characterization of Ultra-Small Gold Nanoparticles at the 3rD Glycobasque Meeting in Bilbao, ES, held on March 12-13 2020. You can find Avelino and Patricia’s poster in the Dissemination section.

First poster presentation at bioMAPP19 in Bilbao, Spain

Our ESR Riccardo Rovina from CICbiomaGUNE attended the 3rd Biennial Young Researchers Workshop on Biomaterials and Applications (bioMAPP19) held in Bilbao on the 4th and 5th of December 2019. The workshop takes place every two years in differents Spanish cities. The conference focuses on biofunctional materials, biosurfaces, molecular imaging, therapy, diagnostics, sensing and catalysis. Many … Read more

First NanoCarb paper published in J. Mater. Chem

The first NanoCarb paper – “Tuning aggregative versus non-aggregative lectin binding with glycosylated nanoparticles by the nature of the polymer ligand” by Panagiotis Georgiou (ESR 3) from the Gibson group in the University of Warwick – has been published on the Journal of Material Chemistry B. This manuscript explores how polymeric linkers, with glycans at one end, … Read more

NanoCarb ESRs recruited

All 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) have now been successfully recruited and are eager to start and continue their individual work on the NanoCarb project.

NanoCarb at the 2019 European Researchers’ Night

Four NanoCarb ESRs took part in the 2019 European Researchers’ Night in Milan (IT) and Granada (ES). The European Researchers’ Night is a Europe-wide event involving over 300 cities in around 30 countries. The event is supported by the European Commission and promotes science, fun learning and research careers. It takes place every September since 2005. At the EU … Read more