Open position at CIC biomaGUNE

An Early Stage Researcher position for a period of 6 months is offered in the CIC biomaGUNE Radiochemistry and Nuclear Imaging Group led by Dr. Jordi Llop, to conduct research activities related to the preparation, characterisation, radiolabelling and in vivo evaluation of nanoparticles. Deadline for application: 15 February 2022 Job description and application details

Panagiotis awarded at the Macro group UK’s Young Researchers Meeting

Panagiotis G. Georgiou (ESR 3) has been awarded a prize at the Macro group UK’s Young Researchers Meeting for his poster presentation titled “New Nanomaterial Design Principles for Biomimics“. Panagiotis is an Early Stage Researcher from the Gibson Group at the University of Warwick. His research work at NanoCarb focuses on the development of Glyco-Nanoparticle Libraries based … Read more

Riccardo’s (shortened) secondment in Milan

Starting from CICbiomaGUNE in San Sebastian I arrived in Milan for my first secondment in order to synthesize a sugar and attaching it to a linker that I will use for decorating gold nanoparticles. Initially it has been hard to leave the place where I was used to live, leave my routine, my friends and … Read more

NanoCarb ESRs recruited

All 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) have now been successfully recruited and are eager to start and continue their individual work on the NanoCarb project.